USC (University of Southern California); Pepperdine University; CSUN (California State University, Northridge); UCLA and more.
- With co-instructors Alan Friel and Marisol Monk, Larry Steven Londre’s “With Marketing, Advertising predictions for ‘25, Loyola Law School. My New & Improved: What is Marketing? Promotion? Advertising and Media? Smarter Insights about using the 9P’s of Marketing, “People-Targeting,” Branding, e-Commerce, Pricing, Creativity and Buying Behaviors. Global Experiences with 9P’s of Marketing” presentation at the Advertising and eCommerce Law, the Advertising Law Class 4065/E1, Loyola Law School, January 2025 (14th year)

- “Being Better Prepared For Your Future. The 9P’s of Marketing, Promotion, Consumer Benefits. Advertising, Agencies. Clients. Londre’s Insights & Observations into the Real World…of Marketing and Advertising” presentation at Pepperdine’s Seaver College, Business Administration, Communication Division, to two ADV 275 (Advertising and Media Course) classes, August 2024

- Three different classes (575 Capstone Advertising Campaign, 275 Introduction to Advertising and 385 Advertising Copy and Art Strategies), three different “Is There Value in SB Spots? How Ads Fit In? The Good, Bad and Ugly, ‘24/XXIV/Super Bowl LVIII, Marketing and Advertising Lessons. The Taylor Swift Factor, For Better Decision-Making, Messaging & Campaigns, My Show and Tell. Involving You.” presentations at Pepperdine’s Seaver College, Business Administration, Communication Division, February 2024

- Loyola Law School presentation at Advertising and eCommerce Law, the Advertising Law Class 4065/E1, January 2023

- Pepperdine’s Center for Communications and Business, Capstone Advertising and IMC classes

which cost $168,333 a second, $5 Million for a :30

- Foshay Tech Academy, 2014

At CSUN, Fall 2012: Practical Marketing, Branding, Promotion, Advertising,
Push & Pull, Integrated Communication & Global Examples

With 9P’s “People” – Targeting, Promotion, Media, Ads, Branding, e-Commerce,
Behavior,” FTV291C – TV & New Media: Business & Legal Issues, the Business
& Legal Framework for TV, Multi-platform Media &Digital Content, April 2019
Marketing 304: Intro Marketing Management
An introduction to marketing management’s role in an organization’s business strategy. Topics include marketing management strategy, implementation, and control; customer satisfaction and consumer behavior; product development; pricing strategy; marketing communication and promotion; distribution; global/international marketing; and marketing environment, laws, and ethics. To enhance critical thinking, communication skills, and leadership skills, the course work includes classroom discussions, case analyses, computer simulations and exercises, and written and team presentations.

Journalism 340: Introduction to Advertising
An introduction into fundamentals of today’s advertising profession and its role as part of the overall marketing communications function. Advertising is one of the six primary parts of the marketing communications plan — the others are Sales Force / Personal Selling, Sales Promotion (both trade and consumer), Collateral Material, Public Relations and Direct Marketing / Response. Advertising is the primary focus of this course, however, we will also address all aspects of the Marketing Mix and how they are integrated so the “brand” speaks with one voice. We will also emphasize interactive media, the Internet, and Buzz marketing.
COMM 541: Integrated Marketing and Media Strategies
Graduate class deals with communications, promotion, marketing and media. The course covers an understanding of the vital roles of communication within domestic and international companies. Companies must critically rethink their business mission, marketing, media, communication, and integrated strategies. Through weekly lectures, readings, cases, computer simulations, discussions and projects, students will analyze tasks and procedures utilized in progressive companies. Students will gain a lasting knowledge of challenges, questions and opportunities in whatever company or industry they are or may be in. Plus an understanding ofthe CEO’s responsibilities for developing a well-managed “customer driven” organization.

COMM 542: Business Strategies for Entertainment and Communication Companies
Graduate class details and discusses competitive analyses and strategic issues of communication and entertainment firms. Cases examine business strategies, product differentiation, marketing, emerging networks, technological strategies for traditional and new media, non-profits and entertainment companies. Gain break-through problem-solving and decision-making strategies, and new insight for effectively dealing with change. Understand the responsibilities for developing a well-managed “competitive” organization.
COMM 599: Global Communication and Media Strategies
An understanding of the vital roles of global communication within domestic and international companies. Through weekly lectures, readings, cases, computer simulations, discussions and projects, we’ll analyze tasks and procedures used in progressive global companies. Gain a lasting knowledge of challenges, questions and opportunities in whatever company or industry you’re in. Understand the CEO’s responsibilities for developing a well-managed “customer driven” organization, plus sound global media and communication practices, processes, policies and techniques will be illustrated and explored. Gain an awareness of the major types of global problems faced by individuals, firms, corporations and organizations, with an emphasis on effective decision-making.

MBAM 619A and B: Strategy Implementation
This course is taught primarily through the case-method. Large emphasis on developing business skills such as performance analysis, change management, processes of decision-making, and communication. The purpose of this course is to enhance your capacity to do the job of a general manager. A general manager has multi-functional responsibility for the strategic performance of a business, division, profit center etc. The materials used in the course encompass a wide range of industries, businesses and issues.
MBAM 642: Advertising and Promotion Management
This course will broadly examine the management of advertising and sales promotion. Implementation and evaluation of advertising and sales promotions will be investigated in the broader context of the role of communication process in marketing efforts. There will be a balance between the theoretical and practical aspects of promotion that will make the course relevant to those interested in the careers in advertising agencies as well as those interested in product or service marketing management. The importance of integrating the firm’s various promotional activities will be stressed.

Marketing Seminars in China, including Shanghai
I have conducted marketing seminars in USA and in China. These two-day marketing seminars include relevant marketing topics for general managers, agency presidents and marketing directors. Have been held in Beijing and Shanghai. Topics include: Management, marketing principles, segmentation, targeting, pricing, promotion and many aspects under the four P’s and the 9P’s©.

MKT 100: Conceptual Foundations of American Enterprise
A Marketing and Business course designed to provide a general introduction to the American enterprise system, its economic foundation, and basic concepts of business organization and the nature of administrative activity.
MKT 440 and MKT 653: Integrated Marketing Communications
An understanding of the vital role of marketing’s task within companies, with emphasis on integrating and evaluating the strategic roles of communication disciplines---advertising, direct response, sales promotion, events, and PR. Companies must adopt a 360 degree view of consumers and move toward integrated marketing communications. Today, companies must critically rethink their business mission, marketing and communications strategies.
MBA 675 and MBFE 658: Marketing Management
This graduate MBA course deals with marketing, communications, promotion and media. Includes an understanding of the vital roles of Marketing within domestic and global companies. Senior management must critically rethink planning, business mission, marketing, products, pricing, promotion, distribution, targeting, partners, media, and integrated strategies. Through weekend lectures, readings, cases, computer simulations, discussions and projects, students will analyze tasks and procedures utilized in progressive companies. Gain a lasting knowledge of challenges, questions and opportunities in your company or industry of interest. Understand the CEO’s responsibilities for developing a well-managed “customer driven” organization. Sound marketing practices, processes, policies and techniques illustrated and explored.

MBFE 659: Strategic Management
This capstone MBA course examines running an enterprise from the chief executive officer’s point of view and gives the student the foundation for conducting a strategic analysis, making sound strategic decisions, and implementing strategic change. Conduct external and internal assessments of the organization, identify key strategic issues, identify and choose among alternative strategies, and defend those decisions. Interplay between organizational structure, design, human resources, culture, technology, and the global environment is illuminated. Integrates all prior subject matter and uses a variety of experiential methods, including case studies and a strategic project for an existing company. Taken upon completion of all core courses.
- USC Annenberg Orientation, 2010-2011

- Five-time Presenter with Programs including “Advertising, Signs & More,” “Branding,” and “If You Go to College, You Can Do More, See More” at Jack H. Skirball Middle School

Larry near the Museum of Rock and Roll in Cleveland and a monumental sales promotion tactic—FREE

Larry in the Republic of Botswana, Africa, 2010

Larry presenting at UCLA’s graduate class, Trends in Television

Larry at TED USC event