- How to Create a Marketing Strategy
- Holiday Can Help Business Connect
- The Long and Short History of Halloween
- From an A- at CSUN to $20 Million
- Develop a Game Plan for Pricing Decisions
- Nine P’s of Marketing/9P’s of Marketing
- Advertising, Media and Sales Promotion Vehicles
- A Guide to Completing a Creative Work Plan, Brand DNA or Creative Brief
- Census is a Crucial Tool for Marketing
- Block Party Has Lasting Benefits
- Mother’s Day a Triumph of Marketing
- Americans Still Count the Penny
- Product Placement a Big Part of Media

Artists at Play

Londre’s “Practical Business
Insights into Marketing. It’s more
than just Advertising. Really, with
the Nine P’s of Marketing” to the
Westchester Rotary in October 2014.
Insights into Marketing. It’s more
than just Advertising. Really, with
the Nine P’s of Marketing” to the
Westchester Rotary in October 2014.